Chinese Woman with Snow Leopard
Regular price $3,700.0040 x 40 inches Mixed media: collage, acrylics, oils and oil pastels on canvas.
This painting is a bold and colorful mixed media piece featuring a noble Chinese woman in a garden of sunflowers alongside a snow leopard, a symbol of inner stillness and grace amidst life's harsh landscapes. For me, these landscapes represent the challenging moments we all face—whether in a demanding job, a toxic relationship, or personal struggles.
As someone who spent five years as an Assistant in Nursing in Aged Care, and twelve years caring for my mother, I understand the weight of emotional and physical exhaustion. Yet, it was through immersing myself in nature and creating art that I discovered my inner strength. I invite you, too, to find your quietude and introspection, and to remember that even in the most challenging times, there is beauty and resilience to be found.